IMF's World Economic Outlook

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Earlier this week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued an updated World Economic Outlook, keeping its global forecast unchanged since April. It continued with an optimistic prediction that the world economy will grow 3.9% through 2019, but warns that expansion will be less synchronized...

Brexit Market Challenges

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British Prime Minister Theresa May’s unenviable task of negotiating the British exit (Brexit) from the European Union (EU) has been dogged by challenges at every turn. However, the events of the past week may prove to be insurmountable for the beleaguered Prime Minister and ultimately lead to her...

Protect Your Private and Personal Data from Hackers

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In light of recent security breaches at Facebook and Yahoo, it’s vital that we do a better job ensuring that our personal data remains hidden from criminals and hackers. In fact, Facebook and Yahoo were just two of the over 1,500 data breaches that occurred in 2017. During those data breaches, more...

How to Get Started Investing in Your 20's

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For many early 20-somethings that are freshly graduated and are now facing credit card and loan bills, the last thing on their mind is investments. Your new job can just about cover rent and groceries but the limitless pocket money of your youth is now a distant memory. Granted, saving for...

Student Debt

by Tom Brown on

As college tuition continues to rise to unprecedented levels, student loan debt continues to rise as well. Between 1980 and 2016, tuition at public universities jumped 344 percent, while private universities saw tuition rise 241 percent.

Today the average student will graduate with more than $35...